I went to the movies yesterday to watch body of lies....Well...needless to say, i was so bored during the movie i stuffed myself with popcorn. I do that even when I enjoy a movie but still...i was bored. It's not that i hate watching "serious" movies. I love watching movies. Movies that make me feel something besides anger and frustration. I love watching movies that make me laugh and cry. I love corny movies! haha....and dumb movies! but not very very dumb movies ie most of will ferrel's movies. Let me put it this way. If I'm going to waste 2 hrs or more of my life sitting down and staring at a screen, i would rather be watching something that i would enjoy and "serious" movies ie blood diamond, body of lies are not the kind of movies i would enjoy watching and ummm neither is star wars.....or indiana jones....some movies i just can't bring myself to watch.
Top 5 enjoyable movies (in random order):
PS I Love You
The Notebook
The Green Mile
Forrest Gump
Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2
I'm sure there are more that i can't think of right now
Top 6 movies that made me stay up all night in fear when i was younger:
Nightmare before christmas (the lady could stuff herself with leaves and stitch herself up)
Till death do us part (i think that's what it's called...dead ppl shouldn't move)
The Mummy (it's just scary)
Pet Cemetary
The Tale of 2 Sisters (the movie made no sense but it was still scary)
The Sixth Sense
I have of course gotten over those movies and am not afraid of the characters anymore. Would i watch them again? yes i would except for the last 3 and mayb not nightmare before christmas...I am not a fan of Tim Burton movies.
The movie that I HATE and will NEVER watch again-------> The Silence Of The Lamb.
The only reason i watched it is because it won an oscar. Never again! Ever!